Thanks to everybody who set up those great shows, who gave me a place to sleep and shared some great times with me. Huge thanks to Eilish Cullen, Damion Romero, GX Jupitter-Larsen, Jessica King, AMK, Gerritt Wittmer, Ryan Jencks, Jesse Jackson, Luc Meier, Bob Bellerue, Shelley Hirsch, Phil Julian. More thanks to Joseph Hammer, Thomas Dimuzio, Josh, JG Thirlwell, Shannon, Alexis, Lana, Scott Arford, Michael Gendreau, Jim Haynes, Pete Swanson, Maria Chavez, Daniel, Carlos Giffoni, Hiroshi Hasegawa, Spencer Yeh, Cordon, Rachal, Guy, Mat, Holly and all the others I forgot to mention because my brain got lost somewhere in between Cairo and Mexico-City! THANKS!
May 14 - Dem Passwords - Los Angeles (Solo)
May 16 - Terminal - Oakland (Solo)
May 17 - The Lab - San Francisco (Solo)
May 19 - Ende Tymes Fest - Brooklyn (Solo & live collab with Astro)
May 20 - Ende Tymes Fest - Brooklyn (Duo with Shelley Hirsch)
Michael Moore autograph
Damion Romero
GX Jupitter-Larsen
Beverly Hills lamp post
Oakland wreckin' crew (Scott, Sixes, Cordon)
Bob Bellerue Ende Tymes Fest Brooklyn
Noise in my Head?