paintings (acrylic on cardboard 1992-1995)
4. September 2010 - 28. September 2010
Opening: 4. September 2010 16-22h
Rumpsti Pumsti Music & Gallery
Weserstrasse 165
12045 Berlin - Neukölln

I'm very happy to announce an exhibition of my early paintings from 1992-1995 titled: Ins Gesicht (engl: in the face).
In the early 90's I started to work on paintings and sound installations, collages and objects. It was the time when my son Céleste was a small child, when Sudden Infant was making the first big moves, when I learned about separations and new beginnings, when I drunk my first beer before breakfast and when Audrey Hepburn, Anthony Burgess and Frank Zappa died.
Childhood experiences, sexual eruptions, autoaggression and psycho mechanisms became major themes of my musical and artistic works.
This series of 27 head/face paintings (acrylic on cardboard/31cm x 31cm) created between 1992 and 1995 are now shown for the very first time at the Rumpsti Pumsti Gallery in Berlin.

Back then at the studio from left to right: Tobia, Céleste, Joke, Zeno